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Do Hedgehogs Like Music?

Are you trying to bond with your hedgehog, put it in a good mood, curious if hedgehogs really like music as you’ve read in several articles before this one or wonder what activity it will find soothing?

Hedgehogs are lovers of music. Some of their preferred genres include soft music and radio sounds, as they provide soothing effects. In addition to this, several owners have also confirmed that music has helped their hedgehog buddies to relax and remain calm when they are in a noisy environment. Although most hedgehogs like music, their genre preference may vary.

Good music has proven to be one of the many things these spiny mammals love. So, here our aim is to help you figure out the exact kind of music we believe your hedgehog will find soothing. Here, we’ll also explore other possible bonding activities we think your hedgehog will love.

What Kind of Music Do Hedgehogs Like?

One hedgehog’s music preference may differ from another, owing to a difference in personality and species. So, don’t fret when your Hedgehog is unresponsive to some sounds that others have confirmed that theirs love.

Generally, Hedgehogs love to listen to soft music with no noisy instrumentals. We’ve also found that they prefer ambient music because it’s not only enjoyable but safe for their little eardrums. Here are five kinds of music that hedgehogs enjoy:

Classical Music

The classicals is one music genre that your Hedgehogs might enjoy. This is because it possesses the instrumental balance and melody hedgehogs find soothing. So when your pet feels frightened or uncomfortable, be sure to tune in to a piece of lovely classical music and notice how their mood will change to a more pleasant one.

Light Instrumentals

Hedgehogs can also listen to light instrumentals such as harmonica, piano, and clarinet. These instruments are the best for these animals because they aren’t loud and won’t sound like noise to them. On the other hand, loud instruments like trumpets, French horns, and drums will scare your Hedgehog and won’t help them relax.

Traditional Folk Songs

It might seem unusual but some species of Hedgehogs love to listen to traditional Folk songs, while others don’t. As earlier mentioned, it all depends on their character traits and species. Cultural and native songs might just be what your Hedgehog likes, so you should try them out.

Slow Jazz

Slow Jazz naturally has a soothing and soft effect that comes with it and it turns out that humans aren’t the only ones in love with this music genre. Hedgehogs love it too, so you can have a bond time with your pet playing this kind of music playing in the background. You might be surprised to see how fast your Hedgehog might fall asleep because slow jazz is so calming.

Show Tunes

Have you ever noticed your Hedgehog relaxing whenever you’re watching a show? Well, that’s because it loves the tunes. Show tunes are also another kind of sound that might appear lovable to your pet. So, when next you’re watching shows on your Tv, observe how your Hedgehog behaves and see if it likes it.

Nursery Rhymes

Turns out that kids aren’t the only ones who enjoy nursery rhymes, Hedgehogs do too! These animals are just so tender and love anything that is so pacifying. So, you should try playing some nursery rhymes and see if your pet loves it. However, if he doesn’t you could try any of the other kinds listed above.

Types of Music Hedgehogs Don't Like

Hedgehogs are very selective animals and don't like noise in any way. They tend to move away, curl into a ball or make hissing sounds when their ears pick up sounds they find distasteful. Here we’ve put together a list of musical genres and general sounds your hedgehog will not enjoy.

Pop Music

Hedgehogs don't like pop music and this is because they contain a number of noisy instruments such as the drum, guitar, saxophone and percussion. So, if you're a lover of this kind of music, then you should keep your hedgehog far away from such an environment.

Punk Rock

Punk Rock is another type of music your hedgehog will certainly not like. This music has fast tempos, riffs, loud lyrics and instrumentation and all these just don't sync with the kind of ambience a hedgehog loves.

Industrial Music

Industrial music is that type of music that has a combo of mechanical, and a fierce fusion of rock and electronic music. It comprises of white noise, synthesizers, punk rock, and all these makes it unpleasant to the ears of a hedgehog.

Noise Music

Noise music as the name goes is quite a noisy kind of music. It has a fusion of noise pop, glitch, noise rock and power noise. So, this is another type of music your hedgehog can't bear listening to.

Are Hedgehogs Sensitive to Sounds?

Asides from scents, one of the things Hedgehogs are sensitive to is sound and these sounds may include voice, horns, music, etc. Music isn’t the only thing these hedgehogs can hear, and as their owner, they also listen to your voice when you speak to them.

However, these cute pets can’t be exposed to so many sounds or excessive noise because it tampers with their comfort. At the slightest hearing of any sound, they tend to become frightened and hide in their quills.

Hedgehogs may not have giant ears but their small ears can surely pick up high-pitched and low-pitched sounds. Although not as much as humans or dogs which have a hearing range of 20Hz – 20 KHz. Hedgehog’s good hearing helps them find their foods and predators easily regardless of their poor sight.

What Other Activities do Hedgehogs Like?

Music isn’t the only thing that can make your hedgehog happy. There are several things that you could try out if the music doesn’t work on your pet. Some things Hedgehogs like include:


Hidey-holes are one of the things Hedgehogs love due to their nature. So, you could get an Igloo or a little beautiful castle that is cozy enough for them.


Just like kids, these little buddies also love playing with toys. Toys like small cars, teddy bears, and balls are cool for them.


Most pets love special treats and Hedgehogs are no different. So, you could feed them with treats like; crickets, silkworms, cooked eggs, salmon, etc., and they would be so happy.


Don’t be scared to give your Hedgehogs a warm cuddle because they have spines. These spines aren’t as sharp as they seem, they just have a toothpick feel. However, if you’re skeptical about this, then a safe way is to wrap them around them on a cozy blanket and cuddle them.


Q. What Happens When Hedgehogs Hear Noises?

These cute little animals don’t like any form of noise because it makes them feel threatened. So, when your pet curls up in its quill and refuses to come out, it’s probably because it’s in a rowdy environment and feels unsafe.

Q. How Do You Know If a Hedgehog Likes a Particular Music?

When your pet loves the song of the music you play, it reacts immediately. It will adjust itself and just relax in its cage, your shoulder, or wherever it is.

Final Thoughts

All Hedgehogs love soft music because they like peace and calm. There are different kinds of music that they might love as stated in the third section of this post. So, how do you find out what type of music your pet may like? You need to try out these sounds and observe how it responds to each, if it doesn’t seem cheerful, you should probably try out another song.




